About SpliceRover

SpliceRover is a prediction tool which can be used for donor and acceptor splice site prediction, in both human and arabidopsis. By making use of convolutional neural networks, we achieve state-of-the-art accuracy.

All implementation details can be found in our publication at .

The input for this tool is required to be in a fasta format. A minimum sequence length of 398 is needed for the human models, and one of 402 for the arabidopsis models. The maximum length is limited at 30000 .


All four available models are trained on datasets described in the aforementioned publication.

The human donors & acceptors models are trained on the GWH dataset as described in Sonnenburg et al (2007), with a pos:neg sub sampling of 1:10. The sequence length is 398.

The arabidopsis donors & acceptors models are trained on the arabidopsis dataset as described in Degroeve et al (2005), retaining the original pos:neg ratio from the publication. The sequence length is 402.

About TISRover

TISRover is a prediction tool for predicting translation initiation sites in human. By making use of convolutional neural networks, we achieve state-of-the-art accuracy

All implementation details can be found in our publication.

Predictions will be made for sequences of length 203, which is therefore the minimum length required. The maximum length is limited at 30000.


The model is trained on the CCDS dataset (excluding chromosome 21), as described in the aforementioned publication. It predicts the probability for a positive classification of an ATG triplet, based on 60 nucleotides upstream and 140 nucleotides downstream.